Monday, October 19, 2009

Senior Project

You all have your senior projects lining up in Margaret's class, now you need to batten down what your research in environmental science will "look" like. You have topics that are being approved and your creative brainstorming is well on its what research do you need to conduct to give you the background knowledge to give your creativity depth?

What will your environmental science research entail (require)?

Answer: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How...for the environmental research you will conduct.

You can really answer these however you interpret them (I want you to think through each of them and decide whether or not they apply to your research). Here are just some thoughts.

Why is your project worth doing? Who cares?

Who in the area might be able to help you…who could you interview etc.

What questions do you need to answer to get the background necessary to know what you are talking about?(required)

What form will you use to display your research?...Will it be displayed in your Media piece, or will you use something to show your research in order to maintain your creative integrity?(required)

When will you get your footage? you need some background knowledge before head out?

Where do you need to go to get footage, sounds, research?

How will you track the research that you are conducting...tied to what form will your research take...but might be different.

What do you need from me?

What are your next steps?(required)

What will you research first?

What do you need to get/do?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Reading Assignment

Farmer in Chief

Follow this link to a very interesting article by Michael Pollan (author of the "Omnivores Dilemma"). He is the Knight Professor of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author, most recently, of “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto.”).

This article is an open letter to President Obama and highlights many of the major topics surrounding food, our health and the health of the environment. The beginning talks about some of the problems we are facing (of course) and how we got here (very interesting if not a bit scary) but then goes into thoughts on how we can affect change.

Your assignment is to read and annotate the article in preparation for Socratic Seminar on Wednesday. If you choose to read it online, I will be looking to see the notes you have taken in your journal; if you print it out I will be looking to see that you have good notations and highlighting.

In both cases, I really need to see you have taken the time to interact with the text and have not only highlighted interesting thoughts and facts but have also asked questions. You are also responsible for writing three discussion questions that could be used to start the socratic seminar.